

Pregnancy Glow Massage | HOME 10pm-00am 60 - 90 minutes

Service variants

60min - £140 (required deposit: £80)
£80 BOOK
90min - £180 (required deposit: £80)
£80 BOOK


Pregnancy Glow Massage - Full Body, Head Massage

Pregnancy is the happiest event in the life of many couples, but it also comes with challenges. Muscle cramps, backache and swelling, are some of them. However, massage can ease these ailments to relax and calm the mother-to-be.

Our heavenly touch massage therapy can promote blood circulation and relaxation throughout the body to ease some of the discomforts associated with one of your life’s most important and joyful events.

We use a special blend of gentle and evolving aromas that provide relaxation, serenity and security. Coriander, Lemon and Geranium promote calm, happiness and wellbeing.